
The Corbado CLI (command line interface) is a tool which you can run locally on your command line to interact with the Corbado platform. It provides multiple commands and runs on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

The Corbado CLI is written in Go and hosted on GitHub.

  1. Installation
  2. Authentication
  3. Commands


To install the Corbado CLI we provide (among the source code version) pre-compiled binaries on our GitHub release page.


The Corbado CLI needs to authenticate. For this you need to provide your projectID and a cliSecret. There is exactly one cliSecret per project and you can find it on our developer panel.

There are multiple authentication methods. They are checked in order, first come first serve. So if you provide flags they overwrite environment variables and they overwrite the credential file.

Of course, you only need to use one of the methods.
FlagsYou can provide the projectID and cliSecret via --projectID pro-XXX and --cliSecret XXX
Environment variablesYou can set the projectID in the environment variable CORBADO_PROJECT_ID and the cliSecret in CORBADO_CLI_SECRET
Credential fileYou can save the projectID and cliSecret to a credential file locally, see login and logout commands


Currently the following commands are provided:

loginThe login command asks for your projectID and cliSecret and saves them to a local credentials file
logoutThe logout command just logs out by deleting the credentials file
subscribeThe subscribe command lets you receive webhook requests locally by subscribing to our tunnel server