
It is crucial to verify the readiness of the underlying technology stack. Passkeys rely on a harmonious interplay between the device, operating system, and browser. Most modern combinations of these elements support passkeys, but verifying compatibility is a necessary step.

  • Passkey adoption: Gain insights into the general availability of passkeys across various operating systems and browsers. Understanding the landscape helps in anticipating user experiences and potential limitations.
  • Analysis of passkey-readiness: Review real-life data and case studies that provide a practical view of passkey adoption and performance across different platforms.
  • Passkeys device support: Ensure that the devices targeted by your application are capable of supporting passkeys.

Key components in web apps

Implementing passkeys in web applications requires a multi-faceted approach, encompassing both frontend and backend considerations:

  1. Frontend: Your website or application must include a frontend that facilitates the use of passkeys. This involves integrating with WebAuthn APIs.
  2. Backend: The backend must implement a WebAuthn server to manage the public keys involved in the authentication process. Additionally, a database is required to store and manage these keys securely.
  3. Compatibility: Both the device and browser must support WebAuthn / passkeys for the system to function effectively.

Passkeys and domain binding

Passkeys are inherently domain-bound, meaning they are restricted to the specific relying party ID for which they were created. This feature enhances security but also introduces considerations for developers.

For local and production environments, it is crucial to set the relying party ID (rpID) appropriately to ensure passkeys function correctly across different domains and subdomains. Please have a look at this blog post for further insights.

Recommendations for local development and production

When configuring passkeys, pay close attention to the relying party ID settings. In local development environments, it might differ from the production setup.

Our recommendation is to use localhost as rpID locally and your root domain as rpID for production.

Common errors and pitfalls

Several common issues can arise when implementing passkeys in web apps:

  1. Relying party ID mismatch: Passkeys created for one subdomain might not work on the main domain due to non-matching rpIDs.
  2. Device compatibility: If the device is not passkey-ready, users will be unable to utilize passkeys for authentication.
  3. Incorrect rpID in Corbado: Ensure that the rpID in the Corbado developer panel matches the browser URL to avoid authentication failures.