Corbado offers multiple ways to customize the styling of the UI components. You can adjust the styling through the following settings:

Configuring dark-mode

For every theme, there is styling for dark and for light mode. Which of these themes is applied depends on your configuration for the darkMode parameter in the CorbadoProvider.
You can set the darkMode to on|off|auto. If set to auto the darkMode setting will be derived from the browser.

Switching the theme

Currently, Corbado offers two themes out of the box:

  • default
  • emerald-funk

You can pass the theme to the CorbadoProvider theme setting (see your framework’s integration guide for more details). If no setting is passed, the default theme is used. Currently, the only alternative theme is emerald-funk.

Creating a custom theme

If you need more customization, you can create your own theme. To do so, create one parent CSS class named after your theme (e.g. “your-custom-theme”).

Inside this class you can now overwrite all the Corbado classes. Every Corbado class is prefixed with “cb-” so you can easily identify them.

If you want to change the styling of a particular part of the UI components but you don’t know the classname, just use your browser’s “inspect” tool from the developer tools.

Custome Theme
.your-custom-theme {
    --cb-box-color: #3f465d;
    --cb-primary-color-hover: #1145df80;
    --cb-primary-color-disabled: #6f7486;
    --cb-script-text-color: #d0d9f5;
    --cb-box-color-hover: #525d83;

    .cb-container {
        width: 500px;

    .cb-error-popup {
        gap: 1rem;
        padding: 2rem 3rem;

Finally, configure the CorbadoProvider component to use the theme:


Dark mode customizations not loading in production

This can happen if your custom CSS is loading before the .cb-dark class from the Corbado package is loaded by the browser. It can be fixed by increasing the specificity of the custom class like with .cb-dark.your-custom-theme

Icon colors not applied in web-js package when using <script /> tag

We use the windows.atob function which decodes a string of Base64-encoded data into bytes. This is used to convert Base64 SVG images to HTML SVG elements and then apply custom styling to them. In case of using web-js package with inline <script /> tag this is not allowed by the browsers and thus customised colors cannot be applied to SVGs for now in these types of applications.