
For customers who already have and existing application and user base, Corbado provides a convenient way to offer these users passkeys as well - without migrating and changing the entire existing authentication logic. Via web components (<corbado-passkey-associate/> and <corbado-passkey-associate-login/>), users can add a passkey after they were authenticated with the existing, current authentication method.

The general flow to associate a passkey with an account that has not been authenticated with Corbado, but with the existing authentication system looks as follows:

  1. Create association token
  2. Create passkey with association token
  3. Login with passkey
  4. Handle events
  5. Optional: Adapt styling
  6. Session management

An “association token” is a token that connects the authenticated user from your system with a passkey managed by Corbado. It’s a cryptographic token that can only be used once.


  • Create a Corbado account according to Getting started
  • Obtain the project ID and API secret from the developer panel as you will need it for the Corbado Backend SDK
  • Install the Corbado Backend SDK (e.g. Node.js, PHP or Go) in your backend
  • Install the Corbado web component in your frontend

1. Create association token

Create Association Token

To start the passkey association process, you need to create an association token for a user that you have previously authenticated with your existing authentication system. This token can be created from your backend by calling the Corbado Backend API. You need to send a POST request to AssociationTokenCreate endpoint.

Your backend receives an association token in the Corbado Backend API’s response. You need the association token for the next step to consume it for a passkey.

Be aware that you should only create association tokens for users that you have successfully authenticated in your existing authentication system.

2. Create passkey with association token

Create Passkey with Association Token

After you’ve successfully created an association token in the previous step, you need to provide this association token to the <corbado-passkey-associate/> web component.

Please make sure that you’ve installed the Corbado web component in your project (e.g. via npm install @corbado/webcomponent).

Add the following code to your frontend and provide the project-id and association-token as parameters (association-token should be dynamically provided).

import React from 'react';

function App() {
    return (
            project-id="<project ID>"
            association-token="<assocation token>"/>

export default App;

3. Login with passkey

Create Passkey with Association Token

Embed the <corbado-passkey-associate-login/> web component in your frontend in the location, where you would like to offer your users a passkey login.

The web component comes with an input field for username (e.g. email address) that users have to fill. After they click on the “Passkey login” button, the passkey login flow starts and returns a success message, that you can react to, e.g. by redirecting the user to the authenticated area of your application.

import React from 'react';

function App() {
    return (
            project-id="<project ID>"/>

export default App;

4. Handle events

If Create Passkey with association token or Login with Passkey fails for any reason or successfully finishs, an event is emitted. Corbado provides you with the following events, that you are free to handle in whatever fashion suits you best:

4.1. Events for create passkey with association token

  • PASSKEY_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL: Passkey was created successfully, you can e.g. redirect the user or display a success message.
  • PASSKEY_CREATION_FAILED: For some reason, it was not possible to create the passkey or the user cancelled the passkey creation process.
  • DEVICE_NOT_PASSKEY_READY: The user’s device is technically not able to create a passkey.
import React, {useCallback, useEffect, useState} from 'react';


function App() {
    const [ref, setRef] = useState(null)

    const onPasskeyCreationSuccessful = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    const onPasskeyCreationFailed = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    const onDeviceNotPasskeyReady = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    useEffect(() => {
        if (ref) {
            ref.addEventListener(PASSKEY_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL, onPasskeyCreationSuccessful)
            ref.addEventListener(DEVICE_NOT_PASSKEY_READY, onDeviceNotPasskeyReady)
        // Cleanup function
        return () => {
            if (ref) {
                ref.removeEventListener(PASSKEY_CREATION_SUCCESSFUL, onPasskeyCreationSuccessful)
                ref.removeEventListener(DEVICE_NOT_PASSKEY_READY", onDeviceNotPasskeyReady)
    }, [ref, onPasskeyCreationSuccessful, onPasskeyCreationFailed, onDeviceNotPasskeyReady])

    return (
            project-id="<project ID>"
            association-token="<association token>"/>

export default App;

4.2 Events for login with passkey

  • PASSKEY_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL: Passkey login was successfully, you can e.g. redirect the user to the authenticated area or display a success message.
  • PASSKEY_LOGIN_FAILED: For some reason, it was not possible to login with the passkey or the user cancelled the passkey login process.
  • PASSKEY_NOT_EXISTS: There was no passkey found for this user on this device or the user did not create a passkey at all.
import React, {useCallback, useEffect, useRef} from 'react';


function App() {
    const [ref, setRef] = useState(null)

    const onPasskeyLoginSuccessful = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    const onPasskeyLoginFailed = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    const onPasskeyNotExists = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    useEffect(() => {
        if (ref) {
            ref.addEventListener(PASSKEY_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL, onPasskeyLoginSuccessful)
            ref.addEventListener(PASSKEY_NOT_EXISTS, onPasskeyLoginSuccessful)
        // Cleanup function
        return () => {
            if (ref) {
                ref.removeEventListener(PASSKEY_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL, onPasskeyLoginSuccessful)
                ref.removeEventListener(PASSKEY_NOT_EXISTS", onPasskeyLoginSuccessful)

    return (
            project-id="<project ID>"

export default App;

4.3 Example: Handle events

In the following, you find some example code on how to handle the events, e.g. redirecting the user or displaying a message.

import React, {useCallback, useEffect, useRef} from 'react';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';


function App() {
    const [ref, setRef] = useState(null)
    const [loginFailed, setLoginFailed] = useState(false);

    const onPasskeyLoginSuccessful = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    const onPasskeyLoginFailed = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    const onPasskeyNotExists = useCallback((_event) => {
    }, [])

    useEffect(() => {
        if (ref) {
            ref.addEventListener(PASSKEY_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL, onPasskeyLoginSuccessful)
            ref.addEventListener(PASSKEY_NOT_EXISTS, onPasskeyLoginSuccessful)
        // Cleanup function
        return () => {
            if (ref) {
                ref.removeEventListener(PASSKEY_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL, onPasskeyLoginSuccessful)
                ref.removeEventListener(PASSKEY_NOT_EXISTS", onPasskeyLoginSuccessful)

    return (
                project-id="<project ID>"
            {loginFailed && <div>Failed Login</div>}

export default App;

5. Optional: Adapt styling

To adapt the web components to your UI, you can modify the following style properties. Do so by adding CSS for the <corbado-passkey-associate/> and <corbado-passkey-associate-login/> web components:

    corbado-passkey-associate {
           --primary-color: #1953ff;
           --primary-color-rgb: 25, 83, 255;
           --primary-background-color: #1953ff;
           --primary-hover-color: #1145df;

           --secondary-font-color: #59acff;
           --secondary-background-color: transparent;
           --secondary-border-color: #59acff;

           --secondary-background-hover-color: transparent;
           --secondary-border-hover-color: #59acff;
           --secondary-font-hover-color: #59acff;
           --heading-color: #fff;
           --text-color: #d0d9f5;
           --text-disabled-color: #999;
           --light-color: #59acff; //also used for link colors
           --error-color: #FF4C51;
           --primary-font: 'Space Grotesk', sans-serif;
           --secondary-font: 'Inter', sans-serif;
           --border-color: rgba(143, 155, 191, 0.5);
           --email-provider-btn-color: rgba(143, 155, 191, 0.5);
           --border-radius: 25px;
           --border-container-width: 0; // outer border container
           --text-align: left;
    corbado-passkey-associate-login {
           --primary-color: #1953ff;
           --primary-color-rgb: 25, 83, 255;
           --primary-background-color: #1953ff;
           --primary-hover-color: #1145df;

           --secondary-font-color: #59acff;
           --secondary-background-color: transparent;
           --secondary-border-color: #59acff;

           --secondary-background-hover-color: transparent;
           --secondary-border-hover-color: #59acff;
           --secondary-font-hover-color: #59acff;
           --heading-color: #fff;
           --text-color: #d0d9f5;
           --text-disabled-color: #999;
           --light-color: #59acff; //also used for link colors
           --error-color: #FF4C51;
           --primary-font: 'Space Grotesk', sans-serif;
           --secondary-font: 'Inter', sans-serif;
           --border-color: rgba(143, 155, 191, 0.5);
           --email-provider-btn-color: rgba(143, 155, 191, 0.5);
           --border-radius: 25px;
           --border-container-width: 0; // outer border container
           --text-align: left;

To adjust the styling, you can use a service like https://jsfiddle.net/ and see your results directly.

6. Session management

To use Corbado session management in combination with the <corbado-passkey-associate-login/> web component, you need to make sure that Corbado session management is switched on in the developer panel.

Moreover, the Redirect URL needs to be set to the URL where you want the Corbado short-term and long-term session cookie to be dropped at. You can set the Redirect URL here in the developer panel.

The integration into the frontend works the same ways as for the regular <corbado-auth/> web component.

Protecting the routes work also the regular way.